Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Go Pokes!

This is Kody:
I love going to the Wyoming Cowboy games. Despite what some of you may think, it is not for the overwhelming athletic talent (although we did win). I like to go to the games because it's a great time with my son. Usually, Tiego and Brazen go and play on the stairs and sometimes even make it on the jumbo-tron for jumping around but Brazen was tired tonight and they left at halftime. After a slushy, Tiego began to actually get into the game and it was fun to teach him who we wanted to score and who we didn't want to score. We would jump up in the air together, clap together, sing Cowboy Joe together, and he would continually kiss me (he thought it was funny). A late dunk put us up 2 and we beat San Diego State! Maybe I can't remember any other games very well, but that was the most fun I've ever had at a Cowboy game...because of my little Cowboy fan. C--O--W--B--O--Y--S! Cowboy! Cowboy! Cowboys!

Song of the day: "Beautiful World" by Colin Hay

1 comment:

Anna Beal said...

Ok, somehow....a couple of someones "forgot" to tell me they had a BLOG up an running. Forgivness is always in my book, so of course I'll let this one slide. I actually came across it looking at Cari Brinkerhoff's way outdated blog. Nice. So now I'm all caught up. Your daughter is Gorgeous and you all look well. Congradulations! Anna