As I reflect on 2008, I sit here and think about the last semester of school. The work did not stick out to me but how hard we had to work to keep everything balanced. As a New Year’s resolution, I have decided that I want to give the love to my wife that she deserves. Here is what, to me, A stands for:
Amazing: Tiffany went into this last semester determined to further her education and become an early childhood development graduate. This would happen with online classes later and was a possible avenue for Tiffany. She began the semester pregnant, with one child, and a husband in MBA school. She made sacrifices and we had to bring Tiego to a daycare twice a week, but she had an inner sense of accomplishment and progression that she hadn’t had in a long time. For her to try this, it really was amazing.
Agroecology: This was easily Tiffany’s worst class. She was taking it because it satisfied two of her requirements and was the only class that would do that. She had a 2 hour lab on Wednesday and the class was just brutal on her. She had to learn about bugs, plants, and all sorts of things that I wouldn’t even dream of in Spanish. She carried on well and ended up having the best graded website in the class (her group). If there was a word for her pain last semester, it was agroecology.
Assignments: A big part of the MBA program was case analysis. I stayed up many nights until sunrise finishing these assignments. This was also hard on Tiffany because we never got to see each other and I wasn’t able to help out with the family.
Almost fainted: During class, she almost blacked out because of the low blood pressure she has. She scared her classmates and didn’t even bother to call me. She needed to have a Pepsi.
Addicted: She started drinking more and more Pepsi and eventually craved it. I think she is still addicted.
Agony: In November, Tiffany went in to talk to her advisor about classes for the next semester. She looked over Tiffany’s classes this semester and found out that NONE OF HER CLASSES COUNTED TOWARDS ANYTHING SHE NEEDED (except for math). Apparently she already had the requirements that Agroecology counted for and everything else didn’t matter for an education degree. It was all due to human error. She told me this crying on the phone. This was a nightmare and not only did the semester not count, but it was too late to drop the classes. She had to decide whether she would go to school for nothing or forget all of her classes that she had worked so hard for.
Awesome: Even though these classes didn’t count anymore, she continued on. Pregnant, supporting her husband, raising Tiego, and now doing classes that didn’t matter…awesome is the only way to put it.
A’s: The semester finally ended and Tiffany couldn’t have been happier. She decided that she couldn’t go back to school anytime soon so she was done. Through all of the late nights, lack of sleep, frustration, and ridiculous circumstances, Tiffany achieved all A’s in all of her classes (yes, even Agroecology). I was extremely proud of her for doing this, but deep down it didn’t really surprise me that she could do it.
Admiration: This all comes down to how much I admired Tiffany last semester. I don’t know if I would have been able to do it. She did it, and she did it well. She even gave me the time and support to pass all of my classes at the same time. I admire her and what she does greatly.
Appreciation: To top it all off, Tiffany has let me go snowboarding 7 times this season and hasn’t complained once. She even bought me things for Christmas to support my new love of the snow. There is no one in the world that I appreciate more than her. Like A starts the alphabet, I wanted my year to start with adoration for my wife. She is the letter that leaves all other letters behind.
Way to go Tiffany on getting all A's, that's awesome! I'm sorry to hear that the classes didn't count, that just stinks! I hope that you guys have fun with your parents there!
What a neat "A" tribute to Tif! Sounds like all is going well. How about the Chica? Is she about ready to be born? Glad Mom and Grandma are there! I love all these new grandbabies!!
Am anxious to see her. Love Mom
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